Drink too much water is dangerous

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Drink Too Much Water Is Dangerous

Drink too much water is dangerous : If you drink too much water, then this method is very wrong, it can cause you many diseases like arthritis, fistula, swelling of the lungs, confusion of the brain. Water should be drunk only as much as it is needed, because excess of water in the body causes a lot of harm to health. The right time to drink water is to wake up in the morning, after taking a bath, drinking some water strengthens the heart.

Never drink water immediately after eating food

Never drink water immediately after eating food, it digests food late and creates unnecessary gas in the body, which causes uneasiness after evening. Too much water should not be drunk, drinking more water leads to frequent urination. Overall, water should be drunk in the same quantity as it quenches thirst.

When you drink too much water

When you drink too much water, your kidneys can’t get rid of the excess water and reason to kidney failure drinking too much water, The sodium content of your blood becomes diluted. This is called hyponatremia and it can be life-threatening.

Consumption of more water

Consumption of more water can lead to fluid overload in the body Drink too much water is dangerous. Due to excess of water in the body, your kidneys filter more due to which BP becomes high. It is a matter of course that drinking a lot of water is good for health. but it is necessary to pee more and more often because the amount of salt in the body is reduced because the kidneys are under pressure to filter the blood quickly. this is the reason behind Kidney failure.

How much water should be drunk in a day

How much water should be drunk in a day, a normal person needs two to four liters of water in a day for his needs, it may differ from person to person, if the laborer sweats more while working, then he drinks more water. Yes, people living in AC feel less thirsty, so they drink less water, but by drinking more water than necessary, you have to urinate again and again, due to which there is pressure on your kidney.

Due to which the risk of kidney failure increases

Due to which the risk of kidney failure increases, your brain feels difficulty in thinking and working, there is a complaint of heart palpitations, the heartbeat decreases, headache starts, lethargy starts coming, the stomach gets bloated and the person is in a coma. He goes away

The Colour of your urine

The Colour of your urine this is the best way to find out that you are drinking more water from your urine colour if urine colour clear often that’s sure sign your are drinking too much water.

two to four litter of water is good for your health, more water can create health problem.

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